The 6 and 12 month courses includes a Yoga Alliance® USA 500hr Registered Yoga Teacher™ qualification, as long as you complete the required hours.

The long-term study is an individualized program according to your specific focus with guidance and instruction by the Guru.

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Daily Schedule

Honor and Cultivate yourself

7:00 a.m. Wake up, personal hygiene, and  tea/light breakfast

8:00 a.m. Traditional Ayurvedic Walking Massage      
(exchange massage to prepare the body for āsanas)

9:00 a.m. Jala Netī Kriyā

9:15 a.m. Morning āsanas
(a compact set of āsanas designed to integrate relaxation into life/Practicums mid-month)

10:30 a.mPrāṇāyāma and/or Bandhas (to optimize your internal system)

12:00 p.m. Lunch and Interpersonal Communication
(engage and grow in the community as you develop your abilities to honestly interact with others)

1:00 p.m. Rest and Study time (culture personal growth, study/relax and rejuvenate your whole system)

3:00 p.m. Tri-dosha balancing āsana series

7:00p.m. Shower, Dinner, Social Development (participate freely in developing skills to interact honestly in the group dynamic setting)

8:00 p.m. Lecture, Satsang, Goddess worship/Puja, Sanskrit chanting/study

10:30 p.m. Personal hygiene and sleep

*One-on-one appointments at your request.
**One free day per week.

Temple in Hampi, India.

Temple in Hampi, India.

6 months Single All- Inclusive Rate:

$6,040 USD (plus 3.9% Pay-Pal tax)
- course fee $3,700
- food $1,170
- accommodation $1,170

6 Month Couple’s Rate (shared room):

$5,290 USD (plus 3.9% Pay-Pal tax)
- course fee $3,250

- food $1,170
- accommodation $870
*The prices above are per/person*
Total for 2 people $10,580 USD

12 Months For 1 person:

$9,980 USD (plus 3.9% Pay-Pal tax)
- course fee $5,300
- food $2,340
- accommodation $2,340

12 Months Couple’s Rate:

$8,718 USD Per Person
- course fee $4,638
- food $2,340
- accommodation $1,740

*The prices above are per/person*
Total for 2 people $17,436 USD

Long Term Initiation Courses

As students go deeper into the study of Tantra at Shri Kali Ashram, the system unfolds itself to them in ever-increasing insights. As such, a longer course of study is recommended.

We have structured our long-term courses to cater to individual time-frames, as we realize that it is often difficult to get away long periods of time for study. You can join the long-term courses at any time. For those aspiring to be Tantric teachers or adopt the Tantric lifestyle, we recommend a minimum of six months intensive study. This time-frame allows one to truly immerse oneself in the system, allowing time to fully relax, integrate and appreciate the intricacies of the teachings. As the body and mind are brought into harmony, the student is able to move past limitations into a full and meaningful life.

The difference between 6 and 12 months courses is the depth and quality you will reach.

Benefits of Joining for our Long Term Courses:

  • Overall health: In our school of tantra, through the regular practice of  āsanasprāṇāyāma, and bandhas you will effect changes in you energetic body (prana/chi field) which will bring about health and vitality to physical body, sexuality, emotions, mentality, and spirituality.

  • Sexuality: Tantra understands sexuality to be a foundational aspect of existence, hence healing any disharmony there will produce benefits throughout all aspects of life. The whole idea is for you to become a complete being (jivanmukti) with no psychological deficits so that you can appreciate a total relationship and life. Tantra teaches you to live this moment in totality. In 6 months practice you can bring about health in your sexuality. With 12 month study you can better understand the inner workings of the energetic (prana) system in order to help others and be more precise with yourself.

  • Lifestyle: By participating long term in our community, you will be able to experience and adopt a wholistic lifestyle. Live according to timeless principles for health and happiness.

  • Mental health: When your chi or prana system is imbalanced, it shows that the coordination and interaction between your inner systems are poor and manifests as lack of energy, lack of health, lack of mental health (depression, anxiety, stress, hypertension, insomnia, bipolar etc). Living in this state builds a pattern which convinces many they are have fundamental psychological deficits. However when the energy system (prana/chi) is brought into balance, these symptoms vanish.

  • Philosophy: There has been a big interest in the Trika system, Advaita, and non-dualism. Bhagavan teaches the full aspect of schools of thought, not from the academic point of view (inherently colonialist), but from a genuine Traditional Tantric perspective. The academics have their own readings but the Traditional Tantrics like Bhagavan Shanmukha and Ma Kristina offer here the wholistic perspective of Advaita as one total ideology not just of India, but present throughout the whole ancient world.

  • Self-Knowledge: With education and meditation you will come to a deeper understanding of yourself and others and your relationship to the world. This will change your worldview.

  • Self-Love: Self-care is the fundamental builder of self-love. In tantra we care for the physical, emotional, sexual body, mental, and chi bodies (puryastaka). We do this through our practices and our lifestyle. Tantra understands each being as precious. Studying tantra goes beyond repeating common platitudes and affirmations, and allows you to really understand and appreciate your valuable, unique and interconnected existence. This will transform the way you live your life.

  • Authentic Action: If you wish to share healthy wholistic practices with others as a teacher or in your personal relationships, it is best to have it deeply integrated for yourself. Long term courses will allow you to do this authentically.

  • Direct Guidance: You will receive individual guidance from long term teachers, Bhagavan Shanmukha and Ma Kristina.

Daily Life at the Ashram Includes:

Our All-Inclusive package is complete:

  • Yoga Alliance® 200hr Registered Yoga Teacher™ qualification

  • Daily energy culturing āsana practice (balancing the doshas, vata/pitta/kapha)

  • Regular prāṇāyāma, bandhas and vyāyāma (supportive practice) yoga classes

  • Daily Āyurvedic walking massage instruction and guided practice (receiving and giving)

  • Puja/goddess consecration:  including tantric mantras, mudrās, offerings and meditation on your true nature as a reflection of the divine

  • Introduction to Sanskrit: to familiarize yourself with the language system of Tantra and Yoga, which is foundational for Tantric meditation

  • Lectures/Satsangs: covering many topics such as psychology and sociology (for teachers to understand their students and also understand their own personal growth with relevance to Tantra Yoga); spiritual cultures of the world; the modern understanding of tantra and yoga; traditional Tantric/Yogic philosophy (Trika, kuṇḍalinī, etc.), lifestyle and ethics, āsana theory, anatomy and physiology, and teaching methodology

  • Each month we have 3 weeks intensive schedule (several classes per day). The fourth week we run a limited schedule, allowing more time for integration, personal reflection and study, personal practice, community satsangs, and rest.

  • Three healthy vegetarian meals per day

  • Comfortable Accommodation (suitable for singles, couples, families, and children)

Info on Accommodation

Testimonials from 6-12 Month Students



Mikael Kjærsgaard Møller "I have for several years been practicing, studying and looking into different kinds of yoga, meditation and tantra, as I felt life was about more than what I had experienced so far.

Looking into these different practices has helped me, but there has until now always been something missing. No matter what I did, and how much I did it, there was still something underlying missing. After having studied tantra for a couple of years in Denmark, I saw there was something beautiful in the philosophy, but at the same time I had the feeling that there was a lot of misunderstandings about tantra and that there were some deeper perspectives missing from the tantra I encountered in Europe.

So in 2013 I started looking for a school that could give me a traditional perspective on tantra and yoga to see, if that could give me the answers I was looking for. In the search I came across Shri Kali, and decided to leave my job as communication officer to go there and see what it was about… read more."


Alexander Gersch

“The long-term study at Shri Kali Ashram allows for one to integrate and build upon the foundational information given in the one and three month programs. The longer study provides an opportunity to go deeper into the Tantra science, i.e. learning Sanskrit, going into traditional Tantric Texts, learning and studying the rituals as well as deepening the Āsana, Pranāyama and Bandha practices. Personally, I was interested in building and progressing my overall quality of life, so the ability to stay long term in order to integrate what I was learning, along side others who had similar goals, was wonderful. I was able to see my own limitations and gain the skills to work through deeply ingrained conditionings in order to discover and actualize my potentials for living a happy and wholesome life. The long-term program, aside from the Tantric studies, prepares one for participating honestly in life. My interpersonal skills significantly improved as I was interacting with many people from all across the world, my relationships improved drastically, and most importantly, I gained the tools to be honest and really honor myself. The long-term programs at Shri Kali Ashram are for those who are serious about adopting and integrating Tantra as a serious and sustaining life culture.”

Sampsa Pynnönen

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"The long-term Tantric Initiation courses at Shri Kali Ashram are dedicated to giving all those interested an opportunity to dive deep into the ancient sciences of Yoga, Tantra and the Veda. I have been most satisfied with the guidance and teaching offered. It does not matter whether you are fluent in Sanskrit or have never done Yoga in your life, the course will be adapted to suit your particular situation from where you are at to where you want to be. One gets presented with a truly holistic take on the ancient sciences and as the months cruise by, the asanas quickly become increasingly effortless to perform and with the guidance of Bhagavan Shri Shanmukha and Ma Kristina, the whole Vedic and Tantric sciences in their beauty and interconnectedness begin to open up. Having teachers at your side who have decades of experience in the system which they teach is a must in that they guide the students along the learning process not by holding their hand, but by showing them the path one can then take.

I believe the Initiation Courses will be especially helpful for those who want to deepen their understanding of the Veda, Yoga and Tantra and will certainly cater to those who have been searching for answers regarding the fundamentals of life. A love of learning, an open mind as well as honest intropection coupled with a will to drop unhelpful habits and life styles will certainly ease the process. Where the course excels at is its residential nature whereby the Initiation becomes a 24/7 process as compared with going to classes in your home town a few times a week instead, thus allowing one to immerse themselves into a Tantric culture which Shri Kali is dedicated to preserving."