
The Veda forms the core doctrine of Indic Spiritualism. The Veda is an ancient legacy shared by humankind [see Divine Initiation]. It is still the earliest existing text of Spiritualism. The Veda, Tao, Torah, Testament, Koran etc. belong to all humanity. Knowing this, India has always had a plurality of religious cultures.

The word Veda refers to the ideology that we see with our third eye. Vid means to see. To see is to have darshan or view of the Divine. It can also mean that we have a legitimate perspective of philosophy. The Latin word Vid: to see, originates from the Sanskrit word Veda. The English language like many other European languages can trace its ancestry to Sanskrit. Due to this, they are clumped together as the Indo - European languages.

Indeed, the Vedic history [including Greek and Chinese philosophies] is the earliest history of humankind. The Veda is the oldest Spiritual literature we have.

The Vedas are based on the monist [advaita] ideology [cf. Divine Initiation]. Advaita or monism defines that there is nothing else than the Divine God. In Vedism and its derivative ideologies i.e. Agamism, Tantricism etc. there is the belief that anything aside from Advaita or monism can never be philosophically or mathematically correct. In traditional Indic perspectives even Buddhism is another Agama. Therefore Buddhism is known as the Bauddha Agama.

Friedrich Max Muller, a colonial Orientologist, embarked on the study of comparative religion and hastily misread the Veda to accord with his ideas of the evolutionary principles of social Darwinism. Since then, Orientologists have been writing on how the Veda is the original example of proto or primitive religion. This is false has been proven by the monographs Divine Initiation and Third Eye of the Buddhist [2001].

The word Veda denotes sacred knowledge. The Veda is also known as Shruti or the Amnaya. The word Shruti means "heard" or "revealed." The word Amnaya approximately means "that which has come down as tradition." The Vedas are traditionally understood as "Apaurusheya." The word Apuarasheya has been wrongly translated as super - human. Apaurusheya simply means "before the notion of Purusha ie. Creation" and therefore refers to the doctrine of Brahman. The word Brahman comes from the root Brh. In Sanskrit this root simply means "to ever grow". In other words, it denotes infinity - the idea of infinity as the substratum of all. The Veda holds that the infinite or Absolute is the basis of Creation. This absolute is God in other religion. This term Brahman itself should explain to academic scholarship that the Veda is a monist or advaita science.

The Veda is not written in a simple, thematic form. It has left the theme to be read as per the allowed or philosophically valid interpretations. It is therefore the most important Indic literature. It is difficult to read the meaning of the Vedic hymns due to the athematic structure. It is even more difficult for a novice in Sanskrit. This is a basic reason why scholarship is still dependant on Max Muller. It simply does not have the expertise to read higher Sanskrit. This is unfortunate as we have entered a new millennium and Orientologists are left behind.

A look into any of the four Vedas shows us that the Veda is describing a philosophy of its own through its presentation of its Divinities. These Divinities seems to be common between all cultures. Indeed, as said in Divine Initiation, from the Nordic countries near the North Pole to New Zealand [Maoris and the rest of the pacific Islanders] near the South all were holding to similar Divinities. And this shows that they were not adhering to animism, pantheism, shamanism etc. but a monist or advaita ideology... (continues)